Oct 24, 2014

Workplace Violence Training

Violence in the workplace is a serious issue that is on the rise in the healthcare setting.

Compliance PhD is happy to provide all current members with a new online Workplace Violence Training. This training is FREE for all current members. Training Supervisors can begin registering their Staff for this course effective immediately.

To register staff for this course:

1. Sign-In as the Training Supervisor
2. Click on the "Staff" page.
3. Click on a Staff Member's Name
4. Click the "Edit Profile" link
5. Check the box next to the Workplace Violence Training and click "Save."

Repeat the Process for all Staff you wish to take this training. This course is strictly informational and is not Federally regulated. Please feel free to contact Compliance PhD with any questions.


Compliance PhD provides customized online Healthcare Compliance Training.

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