Mar 9, 2012

Self-Audit Questionaire

We receive a lot of questions surrounding the topic of prepardness. "Have I done enough?" "If and auditor came and inspected our practice, would we be safe?" While becoming and maintaining a compliant practice really requires a complex answer to some simple questions, you can perform a basic self-audit by asking yourself the following 10 questions.

  1. Does my practice have a current training plan?
  2. Has my staff been trained in this plan?
  3. Have I verified my staffs' understanding?
  4. Do I have documentation to demonstrate my staffs' understanding?
  5. Have I completed my annual HIPAA Risk Analysis?
  6. Have I completed my annual OSHA Hazard Risk Assessment?
  7. Do I have documentation to support my ongoing understanding of regulations?
  8. Do I properly respond and document all security incidents?
  9. Do I properly respond and document all safety incidents?
  10. Are my Business Associate Agreements up-to-date with HITECH regulations?
While there are many more questions that need answering to fully ensure your practice is compliant, the previous 10 questions will allow you to generally gauge where your practice stands.

If you answered "NO" to any of the questions above, your practice may be at risk. If you need assistance in ensuring your practice is safe, visit We can help.

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